


6 Ways To Maintain Your Creativity

Hello lovelies, I hope you all are doing well. Lately it seems like I'm constantly being pulled in a million different directions. Between the blog, YouTube channel, a full time job, and spending quality time with my family, it's gotten harder and harder for me to find some 'me' time.

I am a creative at heart, or at least I believe I am. It is very important for me to maintain my creativity be it my blog, channel or my Instagram account. But how my routine has been, it often feels like I am stretched too thin and so I have come up with a solution that works best for my busy lifestyle and I wanted to share it with you all.

1. Wake-up Early

The most important and productive part of my day! Morning is the only quiet time I truly get for myself. I wake up at least an hour before I have to get ready for work (as often as I can). And sometimes even on the weekends. I exercise or flip through my favourite magazine while potentially throwing on a quick face mask, getting a 10-minute meditation in or even going through instagram to get some inspiration for my flatlays, early mornings are beautiful when everything is quiet and so natural. This will help you a lot at emotional level.

2. Podcasts

My appetite for podcasts is nearly insatiable. My office is almost an hour away from home and so I am constantly searching for them as they happen to be my best friends during commute. Podcasts have a really positive and meaningful impact on my mornings and I am super obsessed!

3. Enjoy The Little Things

Anyone who follows me on Instagram knows my love for flatlays. Yes, taking them sometimes drains me to death but I never give up. And whenever I capture the perfect picture, I celebrate! I either treat myself with chocolate or have my favourite snack. Start celebrating even if it's a small achievement. These are the things that actually keep you going and make you feel productive. Remember, positive mind brings out the best creativity!

4. Surround Yourself With Motivated Creatives

"You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with." - Jim Rohn

It took me a little while to figure out who's draining me and who's really inspiring me to be better and creative but I can finally say I have the best people around me. They motivate me so much and constantly inspire and challenge me to never stay stagnant.

5. The Art Of Time Blocking

I started blocking out time in my google calendar for creative time and I think it's an extremely useful productivity tool. I take an hour off, put my phone aside and think freely about whatever I want. Remember you have to be flexible with your process and not put yourself under a lot of pressure. Don't beat yourself up over things that are out of your control, this will only make things worse. There are so many things even I want to do but I can't because sometimes life gets in the way and that's okay! Just take one day at a time.

6. Take A Break

Sometimes our lives get so piled up and we get so overwhelmed it feels like we might explode any moment. When this happens, it's crucial to take pause, reprioritize and really think about what's important at that moment in order to preserve your sanity. Once the storm blows over, you can go back to your normal state with more emotional stamina to face the next surge (because there's always going to be a next surge).

How do you maintain your creativity? Share with me in the comments!

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  1. Wow. This was so useful. Very well written.

  2. Waking up early has helped me a lot. With not only being to be creative but to also get thing done.


  3. Number one totally works and that's my secret to creativity and productivity. Love this! :)

    Please check out my latest post, too? I'd love to hear something from you! :)

  4. Really useful tips, I love to wake up early so I can enjoy the day ^^
    Thanks for your comment in my blog, I follow you back :)

    Freak Muffin Blog

  5. Thank you for the tips ....
    i followed u and like your blog ...
    hope the same so we can keep in touch ...

    1. Thank you for liking them.
      Followed back! xx

  6. Hey dear! Just love the post!
    I followed yout blog, can you please visit and follow mine back?
    kisses <3


  7. The tips actually sounds very cliche because the creative process itself comes from many aspects in life and I'm glad that you find it in the most beautiful way but there are also people who rely on other things, emotion for instance, to be creative. Either way, I hope everyone enjoys their creative process and never rush anything.


  8. This is a lovely post with wonderful tips. Waking up early is what works for me.
    Would you like to follow each other on GFC and facebook?


  9. Informative. Good read :)

  10. This was a fresh perspective of creativity. I absolutely loved how simple everyday things can be so crucial in our creative processes.loved it

  11. Taking breaks every now and then can feel so, so refreshing and I love your point about surrounding yourself with similar creatives - so true! Hope you're having a lovely week so far :)

    aglassofice.com x

  12. Great post! Photos are amazing :)
    if you want that we follow each other let me know by leaving a comment and please click on links at the end of it :)

  13. I totally relate to this post. It can be hard to juggle a full time job, family stuff, and a blog/YouTube channel, among other things! But when you are a creative person....there is always that desire to create. I think it is wonderful that you have a place to do that. These tips are fantastic and I will definitely be using some of them!

    1. I am so glad you found them to be helpful.
      Thank you! x

  14. I feel you girl! It's hard to manage everything... but you have here some great tips! awesome!

    lovely blog, btw! I'm following and I'd love if you could follow me too XD
    TheNotSoGirlyGirl // Instagram // Facebook

    1. So glad you found it helpful!
      Followed you back! x


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