


My Top 5 Favs from Espresso

Hello lovelies, hope you're all doing okay! Today's post is going to be about my favourite foodplace - Espresso! I have been wanting to do this post since sooo long and finally I am sharing my favs. So without further ado, let's move towards the review.
Espresso Club:

If you're looking for a sandwich that comes with delicious sides and is thoroughly fulfilling, you need to look no further than Espresso's Club. Accompanied with sides like potato wedges or fries and coleslaw, this sandwich is the one to go for when you're really famished. I always choose toasted bran bread because I like it more than plain bread but it's upto you.

You also get to choose if you want beef in your sandwich or not. I have tried it both ways and I absolutely love it! My staple at Espresso, I'd highly recommend you to try it!

Alfredo Pasta:

The second best thing for me is the Alfredo Pasta. Usually wherever I order Alfredo I keep my fingers crossed because 8 outta 10 times I get served a disappointingly bland-tasting pasta. The Alfredo Pasta at Espresso is rich, creamy and flavourful, it's anything but bland! Do try!

Peach Iced Tea and Gelato Shakes:

The peach iced tea at Espresso has my heart! And the Gelato Skahes are heavenly!

Mexican Fries:

The mexican fries at Espresso  Beans, minced meat, loaded with cheese and garnished with freshly cut onions, diced tomatoes and coriander on top, the fries are so delicious and addicting!


Moist chocolate muffin flavored with coffee and pecans with a super crunchy top, it's delish!

For price details, check out their website.

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  1. my favorite place too! i love their club sandwiches!! will try the pasta next time. <3


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