DIY - Oh My Mascara




Hi everyone!
These days there is a lot of hype about cream blushes but the good ones usually cost way too much. And the ones that are affordable give a shimmery look (which at least I don't like). As our blog's main concern is a quality product yet budget friendly I thought about sharing this DIY cream blush. Easy to make and use, this cream blush is moisturizing enough as compared to powder blushes and gives you a dewy finish.
Okay so there are two ways of making a cream blush. Either you use a powder blush (that's how I made mine) or a lipstick.

First I'll tell you how to do it with a powder blush:

Things you'll need:
  1. Powder blush.
  2. Brush.
  3. Lotion.
  4. Petroleum jelly.
  5. A dish.
  6. A jar or container.
  7. Toothpick or Q tips.

1.  First, loosen up your powder blush. This you do with the bristles end of your brush.

2.  Flip your blush over a dish upside down and the granules will fall onto the dish.

3.  Add some lotion and mix with a toothpick or Q tip.

4.  Now add a small amount of petroleum jelly so that the mixture sticks to your skin. (If you do not add petroleum jelly the lotion will absorb into your skin and the blush won't stay for too long.)

5.  Transfer the mixture in a jar or container.

And TADAAA..!! You have your very own DIY cream blush.

 Homemade Cream Blush

Homemade Cream Blush - Swatch 

Homemade Cream Blush - Applied

I apply it every morning before going to work and never have to reapply it. It stays on my face for almost 6 hours. Happy me! =D

Second, how to do it with a lipstick:

Things you'll need:
  1. Lipstick (better to avoid sheer colours).
  2. A steel spoon (no plastic spoon).
  3. Knife.
  4. Toothpick or Q tips.
  5. Matchsticks.
  6. Candle or stove.
  7. Moisturizing cream.
  8. A jar or container.
  9. A glass dish or steel container.


1.  With the help of a knife, cut out a portion of lipstick.

2.  Now take a metal spoon, place the cut piece of lipstick on it and melt it over a stove. Be careful not to boil it.

3.  Once you've melt your lipstick, pour it in a container and add some cream. Do not use a lotion as it won't stay on your skin and get absorbed.

4.  Using a toothpick or Q tip mix it with the cream while the melt lipstick is still hot and liquid. Do not mix in a plastic container. Use a steel container or glass dish.

5.  Now work on the colour part. If you think it's too dark add more cream and if it's too light for you melt some more lipstick and add in the mixture.

6.  Clean your container with wipes or tissue paper and your cream blush is ready to use.

Those with oily skin can mix with aloe vera gel instead of cream. Works quite nice. =)

Try this and let me know! Will share more DIY soon!
Love your flaws. Love yourself. x

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